Welcome to the Toledo YES Project!

This week the Gesu community is hosting the Toledo YES Project. YES has been a part of the Catholic Youth Ministry culture of Toledo for over 40 years, helping young people in our area to have an experience of being the hands and feet of Christ to people in need in our metro area. From Wednesday, July 17 - Saturday, July 20 there will be 145 young people and nearly 70 adults eating, sleeping, and praying at our church, as well as going out into Toledo to paint houses, do yard work, and various other activities to serve.

Please keep the YES Project in your prayer this week. Specifically, please pray for: the homeowners we are helping, freedom from danger or injury for our youth and adult crew, and for good weather!

For more information about the YES Project, you can visit their website: www.toledoyesproject.org


“Come away… and rest awhile.”


The A/C is on!