“Come away… and rest awhile.”

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel for this Sunday, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, is a perfect one for summer! In it, we hear that the apostles are returning from their ministry and happily telling Jesus all that they had done and experienced. However, because Jesus' ministry has grown so much, they are surrounded by people and busyness and unable to really share their joy together. So, Jesus says to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

This invitation from Jesus shows that our Incarnate God recognizes the value of rest, relaxation, and community. We know this, of course, from the story of creation where God is said to have rested on the seventh day. This, in turn, led to the Jewish people seeking to imitate God by having a Sabbath Day, a day of rest. Now the Word Incarnate invites his apostles to rest and enjoy each other's company and stories in a retreat away from the work of their ministry.

All of this seems particularly pertinent at this time, in the middle of summer. Sometimes we are tempted into thinking that we can never stop working, that the world cannot go on without us, that if we take time to rest we will fall behind or be overtaken by others seeking to move ahead of us. But even Jesus, who the Nicene Creed says "through him all things are made" and whose very self keeps all things in existence, recognizes the value of rest. While surrounded by people desperate for his healing touch, Jesus takes time away with his Apostles to regroup, refocus, and rebuild the community.

So, as the end of summer creeps ever closer, imitate our Lord! Take time to rest and get away! Regroup, reenergize, and prepare your hearts for the new and amazing things that await you in the Lord's goodness.

Want to read the readings for this Sunday? Click here to find them.


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