Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament in which a man is designated to be the official representative of the Christian Community. He serves on behalf of the community as a deacon, priest or bishop and leads the community in worship.
Religious life brings together groups of men or women to live in community to live the Gospel in a purposeful way, usually by taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The priests in our parish are members of a religious congregation called the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
Men and Women considering a vocation to the religious life, or men considering a call to the Sacrament of Holy Orders (deacon/priest), should first speak to their parish priest, deacon or other spiritual companion.
For more information about the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, click here to see the vocation website.
More information on vocations and discernment in general, click here to see information from the Diocese of Toledo.