Family Ministry
In an effort to better gather together and minister to the needs of our young families, Gesu and St. Pius Parishes are beginning an intentional effort of sacramental and social events to help bring our families together, especially those with children ages 10 and under.
This outreach is for families with children in our schools as well as those whose children may attend school elsewhere. If you are a member of either Gesu or St. Pius (or even if you aren’t) you are invited!
Events so far have included: a gathering of young families to discuss how our parishes can better meet their needs and minister to them, a Family Adoration event with a specific mention of “children are welcome, even if they might be a little noisy”, a child friendly Family Stations of the Cross during Lent, and Family Masses all throughout the year where the homily is geared toward children and fellowship is offered afterward.
Fr. Craig (with elf hat in tow) preaching to the children at the Family Mass at our sister parish, St. Pius, on the Third Sunday of Advent.
As this Family Ministry continues to take shape and grow, we invite any families, especially those with children ages 10 and under, to get in touch with Fr. Craig and become a part of this family life renewal of our parishes!