The Gesu/SPX 50+ Club meetings will resume again starting on Thursday, September 5. The meeting will begins with Fr. Marty presiding over Mass at 11AM. This will be followed by a potluck lunch in the Sullivan Center.
Members are asked to bring the following base on the first letter of their last name:
A-D bring a salad
E-M main dish
R-Z dessert
If you would like to join us, or know of anyone interested in joining our diverse group of Gesu and SPX parishioners, feel free to come. We welcome people from other parishes as well as those who may not be Catholic. We enjoy coming together for Mass, sharing good food, socializing and hearing about topics of interest.
Dues are $15.00 for the year September – June and can be paid at the meeting.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the parish office by September 1.