"Who do you say that I am?"

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This coming Sunday Jesus asks his disciples an important question: "Who do you say that I am?" After Peter answers correctly, saying "You are the Christ," Jesus goes on to point out that, if they really believe this and act it out in their lives, it will require a lot. In fact, he says, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

As modern day disciples of the Christ, one could argue that various people and circumstances ask us this same question everyday: "Who do you say Jesus is?" Do we think of him as a nice teacher who is worth following when it's easy? Do we think of him as the Son of God, but one who is distant and not important to my life right now? Do we think of him as the source of life and goodness? The truth is, we all have different answers at different times in our lives. But, the reality of Jesus' closing statement remains important to to hear: if we wish to be true followers of his, ones who live lives that point to his goodness and reflect his love, and ones that stand up for justice and peace in the midst of a world filled with judgement and hatred, we must be willing to suffer, willing to to "deny ourselves and take up our crosses." For that is the example that Christ gave: he didn't take the easy way out, but did the hard thing, being obedient to the father to the point of suffering and death.

So, let us pray this week that we may have the courage and the strength to take up our crosses. Our faith may require hard things of us; we may need to endure ridicule or hatred; there may be suffering. But the one who has saved us has tread the path before us. He loves us and he wishes to strengthen us.

Want to prepare your heart and mind for this Sunday's Mass? Click here to find the readings.


"Be strong, fear not!"