Memorial Day Masses of Remembrance

Monday, May 27, is Memorial Day, is the day when we as a nation remember, pray, and express gratitude for those who gave their lives while serving our country. As such, there are several options available for Masses of Remembrance in the local area:

  • There will be the normal 8:00am Monday Mass at St. Pius said for Memorial Day.

  • Bishop Thomas will have a special Memorial Day Mass at Resurrection Cemetery (5725 Hill Ave) at 9:00am in the mausoleum chapel.

  • There will be a special Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery (2224 Dorr St) at 9:00am in the mausoleum chapel.

And for those who gave their lives we pray: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they, and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Trinity Sunday


Pentecost - "Receive the Holy Spirit"