Convocation of North American Oblates - June 10 - 14, 2024

From Monday, June 10 - Friday, June 14, Frs. Marty & Craig will be traveling to Cranberry, PA in order to participate in the annual gathering of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales known as a convocation. Most years this gathering happens with the individual provinces only (our parish’s Oblates are part of the Toledo-Detroit Province). However, this year is a special year in which Oblates from here and from the Wilmington, DE-Philadelphia Province, meaning all of the Oblates in North America, will all gather together for prayer, fellowship, discussion, and group discernment.

This sort of gathering of priests and/or religious is not uncommon. The Diocese of Toledo regularly has convocations with its own priests. And since the Oblates are split between here and the east coast, the location of Cranberry, PA (near Pittsburgh) was chosen as a nice middle ground that shouldn’t be too hard for anyone to get to.

Due to the absence of our priests at this time, weekday Masses at both Gesu and our sister parish, St. Pius X, will be canceled. But don’t worry, the weekend Masses will not be affected by this event and our priests’ travels. If you wish to attend weekday Mass during this time you are invited to worship with our next door neighbors, the Sisters of the Visitation. They have Mass every morning at 7:00am.

Please keep the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in your prayers as they meet together!


“Little girl, I say to you, arise”


Corpus Christi Sunday