Gesu Catholic Church
Over 100 years of Faith and Family
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Upcoming Events
Baptism is the sacrament that initiates one into a life in Christ, washes away sin and brings one into the Christian community.
To learn more about Infant and Adult Baptism at Gesu click here.
The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit first received at Baptism and equips Christians to go forth as missionaries for the Gospel.
For more information about receiving this sacrament, both for young people and for adults, click here.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) is the central sacrament of the Catholic Community in which Our Lord is truly present with us under the appearance of Bread and Wine. The Eucharist is received in the context of the Liturgy (or Mass). The Eucharist is the reason a parish exists. Many receive the Eucharist for the first time in 2nd grade but First Eucharist may be received at any age.
For more information about receiving First Communion at Gesu Parish click here.
The process of becoming a member of the Roman Catholic Church involves a period of formation that is called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, abbreviated as OCIA. Generally, the OCIA process lasts about the length of an academic school year, with people beginning formation some time in the fall season and entering the Church through reception of some or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) on Easter.
Click here for more information about our parish OCIA program.
“It is not those who are well that need a doctor, but the sick. I have come to call not the upright but sinners to repentance” [Luke 5:31-32]
Reconciliation is a sacrament of healing, also known as penance or confession, through which Christ extends his forgiveness to sinners.
For more information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Gesu Parish click here.
“Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.”
[James 5:14-15]The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick provides the grace to overcome frailties and the strength, peace and courage to overcome the difficulties of serious illness. For more information about receiving this sacrament at Gesu Parish click here.
Marriage is a life-long and faithful union; in which a man and a woman choose each other for the mutual sharing of their life and their love; a union which is open to children; a union which is modeled after and symbolizes God’s ever faithful love for his people.
For more information about getting married at Gesu Parish click here.
Holy Orders is the sacrament in which a man is designated to be the official representative of the Christian Community. He serves on behalf of the community as a deacon, priest or bishop and leads the community in worship.
Religious life brings together groups of men or women to live in community to purposely live the Gospel in an intense way, usually by taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The priests in our parish are members of a religious congregation called the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
For more information about Holy Orders and Religious Life click here.
Upon the news of a death, a family is asked to contact their preferred funeral home first. Our parish office will then work with a the funeral home for scheduling services. If a family will not be working through a funeral home and wishes for a Memorial Mass or something else, you may contact the parish office directly.
Click here for more information about having a funeral at Gesu Parish.
Click here to see our parish Funeral Planning Guide.
In the Gospel of Matthew, when asked about divorce, Jesus declares that people who are married “are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” [Matthew 19:6]
The process of getting an annulment is a legal proceeding within the Church to discern if there was ever a truly valid marriage to begin with. Click here to find further information about this process and how it works in the Catholic Diocese of Toledo.
What’s New at Gesu
Parish Ministries
Altar Servers assist the priest during the Mass in order to help the liturgy run smoothly and to ensure the Mass is filled with dignity. They carry the processional cross and candles in the entrance and exit procession, assist the priest during the Preparation of the Gifts, ring the bells during the consecration, and assist with the use of incense when it is used.
Altar Servers should always plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early to assist in setting up for Mass, lighting the candles, etc. Altar servers can begin at any age after 4th grade and can continue to serve through high school graduation.
For information about becoming an altar server please contact Fr. Craig.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy. Lectors should possess a good public speaking voice and be committed to praying the Word of God and preparing for their ministry. Lectors are scheduled by the Ministry Scheduler. Those interested in being a lector should contact the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have two distinct functions:
1) They assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass.
2) They take the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
Some Extraordinary Ministers elect to do one or the other or both.
EMs for our weekend Masses are scheduled by the Ministry Scheduler.
EMs who take the Eucharist to area hospitals, nursing homes and homebound are coordinated by the parish secretary.
If you, or someone you know is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive communion, please contact the parish office.
This choir is open to all parishioners of high school age or older. The choir typically sings at the 10:00 AM Mass on Sundays. The choir also sings for special liturgies including Christmas Mass at 10:00 PM and the Easter Vigil. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in the choir loft. All voices are welcome!
Contact Mr. Kevin Foos, Director of Liturgy & Music, for more information.
Cantors serve as the psalmist and fill the rolls of song leader at liturgies when no choir is present. Adult cantors periodically rehearse with the Director of Music. Cantors are also invited to sing at funerals and/or weddings as their schedule allows.
Contact Mr. Kevin Foos, Director of Liturgy & Music for more information.
Occasionally the parish hires additional musicians for special liturgies (like Christmas and Easter). However, volunteer musicians of any age and skill level are always welcome to contribute their time and talent in various ways.
If you are interested in playing an instrument at Mass, please contact Kevin Foos, the Director of Music.
The Resurrection Choir consists of parishioners who represent Gesu Parish and come to parish funerals to lend vocal support in song and spiritual support to the families of the deceased by their prayer and physical presence.
Contact Kevin Foos, Director of Music & Liturgy, if you would like to get involved.
Ushers and Greeters welcome people as they enter the church, assist in finding available seating, direct visitors to the restrooms, take up the offertory collection, pass out bulletins after Mass and help to straighten up the pews after Mass.
If you are interested in this ministry contact the parish office.
A quiet, calming time away from our busy world to spend time with the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. Adoration is held the First Friday of each month from 7:30 AM (immediately following the 7am Mass) until 7:00 PM. We are always looking for parishioners to take a time slot (usually an hour at a time) in prayer before the Eucharist.
Sign up in church the week before the first Friday, or contact the parish office.
The Pastoral Council is an advisory board to the pastor for pastoral leadership in the parish. Composed of parishioners, it provides accurate and relevant counsel to the pastor regarding the needs of parishioners and recommends responses to those needs.
The Finance Council is composed of members of the parish chosen to serve as an advisory group to the pastor. The Council is charged with overview of the financial concerns of the parish and the administration of parochial goods. The Council meets every other month and more often as the need arises.
In an effort to better gather in and minister to the needs of our families, Gesu and St. Pius Parishes have begun an intentional effort of sacramental and social events to help bring our families together, especially those who have children under the age of 10.
Click here for more information.
50+ is a group of senior parishioners who meet monthly (usually on the 1st Thursday) for Mass at 11:00 AM, followed by a luncheon and fellowship in the Sullivan Center. Occasionally a speaker or some program is held during the luncheon. The club comprises members from Gesu, St. Pius X, and other area parishes.
For more information contact the parish office.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an emergency source for short-term financial help for parishioners and those living within the parish boundaries. If you need assistance because of serious illness, loss of a job, or an unexpected crisis, please contact the parish for more information. Be assured that all requests for assistance are handled with care and confidentiality.
This guild consists of parishioners who wash and iron purificators (communion towels) and other linens on a rotating basis to keep an adequate supply available for use at daily and weekend liturgies. They also periodically inspect server albs for cleanliness and minor mending if needed.
Contact the parish office for more information or if you’d like to help.

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